Five Elements and Human Body

If you want to understand the science of your body and want to remain healthy,
then first of all we need to know that our body is made up of five elements.


Five Elements
and Human Body

If you want to understand the science of your body and want to remain healthy, then first of all we need to know that our body is made up of five elements. Even after death, it is said that the body of a certain person has merged into the five elements. Out of these five elements, four elements are sky, water, air and fire with which your body remains in contact in some form or the other. But due to ignorance we have lost touch with the earth. Our body is not in direct contact with the Earth and this has become more so in the last few decades. Studies by scientists have even said that the worst invention in human history is shoes which have prevented our body from coming in contact with the earth.


If you want to understand the science of your body and want to remain healthy, then first of all we need to know that our body is made up of five elements. Even after death, it is said that the body of a certain person has merged into the five elements. Out of these five elements, four elements are sky, water, air and fire with which your body remains in contact in some form or the other. But due to ignorance we have lost touch with the earth. Our body is not in direct contact with the Earth and this has become more so in the last few decades. Studies by scientists have even said that the worst invention in human history is shoes which have prevented our body from coming in contact with the earth.

In Sanatan beliefs, all efforts for health benefits have been defined by linking them with spirituality. All types of worship methods have a direct connection with our health. In this order, be it blowing conch, ringing bells, offering water to the Sun, Havan, offering Panchamrit, worship of Tulsi Peepal, fasting, cow worship, Panch Gavya. Yes, Navratri fasting, there is much more to it than this. All these initiatives are meant to improve our health. Similarly, there is a belief that bathing in the river frees one from all sins. Our sage Muni used to take bath in the natural reservoir during Brahma Muhurta. Here we have to understand that bathing in the river will free you from your sins but at the same time the electrons coming from the earth will enter your body and will keep your health better.

The earth itself is anti-inflammatory in nature and is also the largest supplier of electrons. Now if the swelling goes away from our body and electrons start getting in abundance, then whatever physical problems we are currently struggling with will start getting cured without medicine.

Prithvi (Earth)

Represents solidity, stability, and physical form. It is associated with the sense of smell and the Muladhara (Root) Chakra.

Jal (Water)

Signifies fluidity, adaptability, and nourishment. It is associated with the sense of taste and the Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra.

Agni (Fire)

Symbolizes transformation, energy, and passion. It is associated with the sense of sight and the Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra.

Vayu (Air)

Represents movement, freedom, and expansion. It is associated with the sense of touch and the Anahata (Heart) Chakra.

Akasha (Ether or Space)

Signifies vastness, openness, and interconnectedness. It is associated with the sense of hearing and the Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra.